Ayana is 16 years old and she is from Bangladesh. She has worked since 8 years old, to help her family. A lot of people think that just because woke up every day smiling, means that she was happy, guess what? She is not. For those that can study, can go to a good hospital, and can travel rightfully, be grateful for that, because Ayana left school when she was 13. She never traveled anywhere and she couldn't even go to one quality hospital. Her chief, Mohammed, is the leader of everything, he is the company owner and he is an evil person.
Ayana worked on this fabric 12 hours per day, and there she learned multiple things. Like how to sew, make pants, t-shirts, and the most important thing, how to be strong. Her mother was a worker too, her name was Aaravi. For Ayana, she was a superhero.
Arin was Ayana's best friend; she always was there with her, sewing on the side table.
One day Ayana, Arin, and Aaravi were working and for some reason, the girls went outside to get a little air. But, unexpectedly, the building started to shake, and the worst happened. The building collapsed with the workers inside including Mohammed and Aaravi, the fireman got to the place. They didn’t find the body of the mother. Ayana knelt on the floor, and screamed in agony, Arin tried to help her but it didn't work.
Ayana's dream was always to become a famous stylist and her mother supported her, but now two teenagers were alone in Bangladesh for only 40 dollars. They decided to leave the country, but it was so hard without enough money. However, in those circumstances, it was the best thing to do. They wanted to go to Greece but it was too far away, so the first country was India.
Ayana and Arin took just the necessary: Arin's cell phone (Ayana didn’t have one), some canned food, a flashlight, bandages, and some medicines. They took a bus into Buripota, and there they illegally enter Sahapur. They didn’t get a visa to travel to India so they needed to enter this country no matter what. But before they got there, the girls needed to walk a lot to cross the border without being seen by the Indian military. When they got there, Arin had a friend there, and this friend was called Medina. She lived in a humble house with 4 more people, her family. Medina said that the girls could stay there, but they need to pay the rent, but how could they do that without a job?
The girls decide to work in a cafeteria, but their salary was really bad; nevertheless, they work there for a month. Medina said to them that, if they didn’t get the money, they couldn’t live with them and they would denounce them to the police. So when everybody was sleeping, Ayana and Arin ran away from the house with food and some money. But the goal for them at the moment was to dare the country, they wanted to go to Pakistan. A lot of wars were happening there but they needed to go.
They walked a lot, they almost got stuck, and Arin was starting to stay sick, so they Ayana decided to stay there for a long time, and that happened, they were there for a year eating trash and living on the street, but they survived. Finally, Ayana and Arin decide to leave the country, because a lot of wars have happened in the region where they were living.
So with nothing in their pockets, they leave the country, but every time something wrong needs to happen, and this time it wasn't different. Ayana was walking on the streets, under the sun, and then one boy of the same age appeared, trying to steal them. He had a gun so the girls couldn’t do anything, so they just gave him the money and their cell phone. Now they were alone with money and any way to communicate with anybody in Bangladesh. The girls were tired, they wanted to leave their dream behind but Ayana had some hope still inside her, so she decide to travel again but this time they didn’t stop in any place.
Tired enough
The girls were very tired, in those situations the will of living didn’t exist in their bodies anymore. They were living on the street, without food, money, and hope. But they need to go to Ukraine. Ayana needed to steal food and sometimes eat it from the trash. They were walking under the sun without shoes but it didn't matter, they just wanted a place to sleep, but one day one man saw two beautiful women sleeping on the street and he took a picture of them, he was enchanted by the beauty of the young. This man was British and rich, he had a newspaper, and he was making a topic about social inequality. The man waited for the girls to wake up and when they did he asked them if he could post, so they agreed. The news was a success, everybody wanted to know who these girls were.
The rich man came back to the place where he saw the girls before, and there they were.
He invited the girls to go to a studio and take some pictures for a photo essay for a magazine. They accept because they need money.
The Pictures
They got a shower, put makeup on, and fixed their hair, but when they were putting the clothes on, Ayana saw one dress similar to the one that she made at the factory where she worked, and, when she saw the tag on the clothes, it was from Bangladesh. She felt sick because that remains her mother. She didn’t expect what we're going to happen to her. The pictures were amazing and they invited the girls to go to France to become models there. Their unique beauty was shocking. The girls were really happy but also scared because it was something new for them
How did that happen? Two refugees were invited to take pictures because a British man saw them sleeping on the street and he thought that the girls were pretty enough to become a model in Paris. They went to Paris by plane, rightfully by plane this time.
The man and the girls finally arrived in Paris, where a lot of people judge them by appearance. Ayana was uncomfortable with the situation. They took a lot of pictures, and then they got to and stayed at a hotel near the Eiffel tower. Arin was in the shower and Ayana was watching TV when the phone rang. It was the British man who was asking if they wanted to take more pictures because they were famous now, their mesmerizing traits and the depth that their eyes went through were unique.
The girls were happy, and so they were invited to many photo shoots until they became the most famous models in the world. Ayana followed her dream of being a stylist with her brand and Arin found an unexplained or even random love for the catwalk and thus became the first model for her friend's brand. The British man, on the other hand, was nothing more than one of the most famous businessmen in the world who at the time did a service to social inequalities.
Even when you are tired, keep having hope and never give up, because that is what makes you strong.