Christmas—One the world’s most famous, loved, and cherished holidays. A time of the year where many families get together to celebrate Jesus' birth.
Although the majority of the world's population celebrates Christmas, not everybody does. One example is Ms. Tamara, a former EABH teacher. She believes that Christmas has lost its meaning, given that people use it as an excuse to be nice, when they should be nice all year round.
According to her, Christmas has changed its value. Nowadays, people use it as an opportunity to show their superiority over others. People believe that they are better because their Christmas decorations are prettier, because they put their Christmas decor out before everyone else or because they gave more expensive presents to their family. Basically, the holiday is starting to force people to be consumeristic, other than spending time with their loved ones and chariting their religion throughout the holiday.
Ms. Tamara believes that people are not their true selves during the holiday season. She thinks that people, especially children, try to be nicer during the end of the year. “Santa's watching, so be naughty or nice--nah, everyone's watching so always be nice!!!” This demonstrates how she believes people should be nice all year round and not just when “santa” is watching.
Coach Brooks mentions that she started to dislike Christmas when stores would put out Christmas "stuff" before Halloween (which is her favorite holiday) and Thanksgiving, because she believes that each month should have its own holiday.
Halloween is Ms. Tamara's favorite holiday, and because Christmas was starting to take over it, she started to despise it even more. She likes dressing up in fun or scary costumes and having themed parties. She believes it encourages a social time that doesn't put the pressure on you to buy expensive gifts because trick or treat candies are less expensive than buying everyone a christmas present.
Essentially, she just wishes people would give love, be appreciative and "be good" all year long instead of putting on an act when Elf on a Shelf comes out. “At least when I dress up at Halloween everyone knows I'm playing pretend versus pretending to be someone I'm not at Christmas.” she stated.
Ms. Tamara was a past teacher at EABH, and worked in the school for four years (from 2020 to 2024). She used to teach English and Health Class. She also helped coach the volleyball and basketball teams. According to her, her favorite memory of being in our school was advisory class with the class of 2027.
“I love and miss my fellow teachers and all my students there!” - She mentioned.