The Hawks face off against the St. Paul’s Lions for their second basketball game of the season. It is no secret how skilled the Lions are in basketball, having taken both first place in ISSL and Nationals, but EABH was willing to give it their best nonetheless.
The first quarter began with much back and forth play between the two teams. Rebounds were exchanged, shots were attempted, and baskets defended. This, however, did not stop St. Paul's from scoring over 10 points in the first four minutes of the game. But EABH was not entirely unsuccessful within the first quarter: the team scored a 2-pointer and Eduardo Calixto (6) concluded the quarter with a shot from the three point line, making the score 5x12.
The second quarter starts off on the wrong foot, as St. Paul's scored immediately after the break had finished (5x16). EABH’s defense and offense was consistently strong, especially from Pedro Jorge (7), who rebounded endlessly, and Aidan Van Cleef (8), who scored both a 2-pointer and a free throw. St. Paul's response to these efforts was only to get more aggressive with the Hawks, but Eduardo Calixto persisted and even made another successful shot (10x21).
Similar to the second, the third quarter also started not ideally, as the Lions scored a two-pointer at the beginning once again (10x23). Great attempts were made by Eduardo Calixto and Edward Mason to gain points, but the St. Paul’s boys were simply at a biological advantage, being a head taller than almost all of EABH’s team. Eduardo Calixto was able to obtain an amazing rebound, but a Lions player -- with, curiously, a stunning likeness to Hawk’s Aidan Van Cleef -- dominated the court, along with the rest of St. Paul’s team (10x35).
St. Paul's continued to maintain a substantial lead; because of that, they switched in their B team, which was salt in EABH’s wound. Despite this, Pedro Mourão scored a 2-pointer (13x45). The game soon concluded with the final placard being 13x48. While there was a large disparity between the two team’s points, this is not the worst case scenario. The Lions are commonly known as the best at ISSL; against the strongest highschool players in Brazil, therefore, EABH was able to hold their own -- something that they should be incredibly proud of.